Monday, April 6, 2009

why is marriage & relationships no longer sacred territory?

So, sifting through the little black book of my ex... i kinda am beginning to understand why he had challenges communicating with me. Here I am, highly naive and here he is vulnerable and fearful of a real relationship. When I say real relationship...i mean where sex is just sex. Sex is an expression of love. A relationship where communication is not forbidden or shunned for being honest. Someone working towards something and with you. This is what I want out of a man. Maybe I am old fashion and traditional,but I find nothing wrong with being in love with someone and knowing the person loves you back. I know tina turner had some song about love doesn't love anyone...yes, love is a bitch sometime. Yes, people seek love and love doesn't seek people...but i rather love than hate. I rather take the risk than to think about what could have, should have been.

I find it odd many of the women my ex was with have their own personal relationship problems. They have been with people's boyfriends and husbands. And everytime they talk about love they condemn it because they have never taken the time to work things out or to communicate real love. They accept that sex is all that they can get. They accept that they don't deserve any better. I am not sure if it is a New York state of mind, but women need to get a wake up call.

People treat you how you allow them to treat you. I learned this all too soon and I am glad for it. I rather speak my mind than let someone walk all over me and be afraid to love again. It's a sad and lonely life to do so. I find it desperate when someone cheats with someone else significant others because they are too selfish to care that they are ruining someone else life.

If you want to be happy and want a man to love you. Go be the best you and you'll find someone worth the time. It's a low self-esteem to want of someone elses' life style or anything. This is why I can not stand women. We are one another enemies and for what?

no good answer.

I find it so amusing some women (and their relatives) have the audacity to harsh me on my youtube and other internet websites over some guy who never cared about you anyway. The laughs on you and the fact you're a mid 20 yr old dealing with picking on a college girl over a guy who forgot about you once he left New york and prob before that....get a grip.

I love my haters because my swag and my whole persona is 10 times greater than yours. So, yes...because I know you read everything I put. Read this.

My life may not be perfect but at least I live a moral life and I am not trying to take from other people. Hope you learn before you're 30.



To comment on the cheating with other peoples' men:

I guess when I said giving in i meant giving into the games men tend to play. I mean,why give grimy people chance after chance if they don't deserve it? old dogs can't learn new tricks. they are too stuck in their ways by then.

As for desperate...i just never understand the concept of being involved with people already involved with someone else. It's a lack of communication that makes those relationships go sour and the more people being brought into the mix doesn't improve anything for the people that label themselves in a relationship.

what's so attractive about being with a guy who already has other chicks(and maybe children) involved?

Also, another question I wonder is why do people have sex together, and share their bodies together if it is known that love isn't there?

maybe i am old fashion but i can't see myself sleeping with someone i don't care about at all. A guy i was with for about a year and a half was so use to women just sleeping with him and being done with him that he had no idea how to really deal with things that happen in relationships where sex is not just sex,but sex is an expression of love. I use to think sex was just an act until i had an encounter with someone i knew i loved and vice versa. I bring this up because he lived in New York for a bit and I wonder if it is just something learned in the New York state of mind.

I didn't know it would be so different.

But anyways, ****(person's name) you seem very interesting and I am sure a guy worth your time will come your way sooner than later. Don't settle for anything less than what you deserve.

And yes, i doubt the wife needs to hear it from will only cause her more pain. She prob loves the bastard or afraid to leave him. He should man up and just go if he really isn't happy with her. Some people should never get married if they can't be happy with one genitalia . Marriage should be a sacred thing and I hate when people take it for less than that.

A friend once told me...

"usually when you're not looking the cupid arrow hits you. at least that's what happened to me. when you're happy with yourself and you love yourself you allow the universe to come to you."

However, it supposedly happens after sifting through the scum...but you'll know when you find it because you can't see yourself with anyone else. You don't want what's out there anymore.


  1. Someone actually posted things on youtube about you?? That's so classy haha.

    But yes, I totally agree with you about the sex thing. Too many just give it up to whoever, and they don't know what they're missing because of it.

  2. Yes. they post on my videos and what not. i always remove it. I removed like two today...and no surprise, all are women.

  3. That's because girls are stupid. I mean, yes guys are, too, but girls always add so much drama because it's ALWAYS about them. "He's married to you... but I just have to show you he loves ME MORE."

  4. i read your blog(usually after i am done homework or from work). During the day, such as now, i only get a second or 2 to be online when in a boring class. btw, love the new picture you have as your blog pic. :-)
