Saturday, May 23, 2009

Looking for where I started from...

Tomorrow is my first workout day in awhile! I use to take dance and run a bit. I feel since highschool I have lost all my energy and drive. Well,I'm ready to kick ass again and get my divah,cocky behind back in action!

I wanted to grow up so fast when I was a little girl. Thinking the older I got I could escape certain things that I was sad or not satisfied with in my life. Now, I realize childhood was one of the most happiest times of my life! It had it's bad and rough times,but sometimes the past is something I look fondly upon.

I miss my brothers. I miss my parents. I miss being able to get whatever I wanted without worrying about money.Now, those days are gone. Nothing will be the same. I can only smile and say I am glad I have the memories. Now, I have to finish my life adventure. Enjoy the moment.

I lost my drive in the past 2 yrs and now I am back in action. I want to be the best me I can be spiritually, mentally and physically.

Tonight I am reading up on a few bible scriptures.The stories are rather interesting when you understand the lessons and realize the stories can be useful to your life journey. The King James version confuses me with wordings so I kinda have a Bibles for dummies. Hahaha. It's great!

Tomorrow I am working out! Not to mention I travel a little over 4 miles going to work!So I'm definately working myself. It feels great whether running or walking.

Things are changing like the seasons. I will be visiting Delaware and upstate New York as often as I can starting fall. My lil brother and my cousin will be going to college. I am so proud of them.

In addition, I am happy I have finally declared my major!I have been at the bottom often and now I can only look up! God is good. :-)

So my advice for the day is be your own mascot! Be your own drive! And always stay humble and kind to others. There is no reason to do anything other than that. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Beloved,

    This is the last comment I’ll post as I would like to avoid labels. There are a few texts, which I think will be very useful in your life’s journey.

    These books will thoroughly explain more than I can summarize; besides its more convincing when documented and verifiable evidence faces one in comparison to a stranger’s hastily written words.

    1) Who is the king of glory by Alvin Boyd Kuhn
    2) Stolen Legacy by George G.M James

    These books will encourage you to ask questions, research more and realize the reality of the facts; truth on the other hand is within.

    Finally if you act as Neo intuitively did, then you will begin your quantum leap towards knowledge of soul-self and its connection with the One.

    Forgive the parables.
